January 9, 2025
Online Book Presentation of the Book
„Kompetenz- und Persönlichkeitsbildung:
Phänomenologischer Zugang zu einem personenorientierten Kompetenzverständnis“
(Online Event)
Since the shift towards competence-oriented education, there have been voices questioning whether the current concept of competence can cover all areas of a comprehensive understanding of education. Education should not be understood solely as preparation for a (performance-oriented) society. According to its dual nature, education must also aim at the purposeless goal of personality development and self-determination. This study aims to clarify the extent to which the current concept of competence meets a multidimensional understanding of education and whether it requires expansion. Through a phenomenological-anthropological analysis, a person-centered understanding of competence is developed, followed by a complementary support model. Edith Stein's phenomenology is guiding in this process and can be categorized within a phenomenological educational science. The study shows how societal expectations of education can be linked to personality development.
Markus Arthur Holti, born in 1969 and raised in Zurich, married with two adult children, has been training teachers at the Zurich University of Teacher Education for over 12 years. Prior to that, he taught for 9 years at secondary school levels I and II. After his apprenticeship as a carpenter, he studied secondary school teaching (phil. II). During his career as a teacher, he began studying educational science and geography. In 2023, he completed his dissertation on the topic „Kompetenz- und Persönlichkeitsbildung: Phänomenologischer Zugang zu einem personenorientierten Kompetenzverständnis“, based on the theoretical foundations of Edith Stein. The dissertation was published in 2024 by Springer Verlag. In his free time, he plays the guitar, participates in sports (sailing, tennis, strength training, chess), and is active in a gymnastics club. As a member of the Edith Stein Society Germany and the subject didactic association for Nature-Human-Society (Forum NMG), he continues to advance his education in topics relevant to education.
The book presentation will take place on January 9th at 7:00 PM (online). The event will be held in German. However, there is an option to activate automated translation via Zoom. Participation in the event is free of charge. However, we would appreciate a donation for our new projects. For donations, please use the following bank details:
IBAN: DE57 3702 0500 0001 0695 01
Registration: Please register by emailing
© Edith-Stein-Archiv zu Köln
© Edith-Stein-Archiv zu Köln
October 12, 2024
Open day
(attendance event)
On October 12, we cordially invite you to celebrate Edith Stein's birthday with a special open day.
Immerse yourself in the moving story of this impressive woman and philosopher!
You can look forward to:
Tour of the archive: explore the Edith Stein archive and get to know the collection of materials relating to Edith Stein.
Exciting insights into the life of Edith Stein: discover the moving biography of this extraordinary philosopher, teacher and later saint.
History of the archive: Learn the exciting story of the rescue of Edith Stein's manuscripts - from the dramatic wartime preservation to the handover to her rightful heirs.
Take the opportunity to explore the archive and learn more about the life and work of this impressive woman. We look forward to your visit!
We look forward to your visit from 𝟏𝟐 to 𝟏𝟔 pm. At the end of the day, you are cordially invited to pray in silence with a short impulse and vespers at 5:30 pm in the church “Maria vom Frieden”.
October 1, 2024
"Edith Stein und Europa. Impulse für die Gegenwart"
(face-to-face event)
Europe is facing one of the biggest crises in recent times. The importance of the “European idea” is at stake. But what does this idea actually consist of? What crisis is Europe in? And what contribution can Edith Stein, one of Europe's patron saints, make to the current debate and the future of Europe? The lecture turns to the life, work, reception and after-effects of Edith Stein in order to show her significance for Europe and its future.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Holger Zaborowski is a German theologian and philosopher. He received his doctorate from the University of Oxford in 2002 and from the University of Siegen in 2010. He previously studied philosophy, Catholic theology and classical philology in Freiburg, Basel and Cambridge. After teaching assignments in Oxford and Cambridge, he took up a professorship at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. in 2005. He returned to Germany in 2012 and became Professor and later Rector of the Philosophical-Theological University of Vallendar. Holger Zaborowski has been working at the University of Erfurt since 2020. There he has taken up a professorship in philosophy at the Faculty of Catholic Theology. Holger Zaborowski's work focuses on phenomenology, ethics and philosophy of religion, in particular 19th and 20th century philosophy. He also promotes the dialogue between Edith Stein's work and current philosophical and theological issues, in particular on European identity.
The event will take place on October 1 at 6 p.m. in the monastery “Maria vom Frieden” (Vor den Siebenburgen 6, Cologne).
© Edith-Stein-Archiv zu Köln
© Edith-Stein-Archiv zu Köln
25 April 2024
„Er ist doch einer der Unsrigen“.
Henri Bergson in Edith Steins Briefen
(online event)
Henri Bergson has experienced a variety of receptions in Germany; that of the phenomenologists may have begun emphatically with the French exclamation and exclamation mark “Les bergsoniens conséquents, c'est nous!” Husserl's emphatic prelude. In 1914, Ingarden began his dissertation on Bergson with Husserl, which was also reflected in Edith Stein's letters. The lecture follows these traces.
Dr Matthias Vollet, studied philosophy in Eichstätt, Mainz, Berlin, Dijon, Seville and elsewhere. M.A. on Nicolaus Cusanus, Dr phil. with a thesis on Henri Bergson. 1994-1998 research associate at the Philosophical Seminar of the University of Mainz, 1999-2001 personal assistant to the President of the University of Mainz, 2002-2010 again research associate at the Philosophical Seminar of the University of Mainz. Since 2010 Managing Director of the Kues Academy for European Intellectual History; lecturer at the University of Mainz. Guest lecturer in Colombia, Spain, Italy and France.
The lecture will take place on 25 April at 7 pm (CEST). The event will be held via the Zoom platform. After registering, you will receive a link to the event, which is valid for all sessions of the event. To register for the event, please use our registration form:
If you have any questions, please contact Dr Monika Adamczyk-Enriquez at the following e-mail address:
March 21, 2024
„Stein und Hering – Phänomenologie, Metaphysik
und Religion im Gespräch“
(Online event)
Like Edith Stein, Jean Hering (1890-1966) was one of the earliest students of Husserl, whose transcendental turn he criticized. Like Stein, he therefore oriented himself towards Adolf Reinach and continued his reflections on the philosophy of religion, in which he became a hinge between Reinach, Conrad-Martius and Stein. Similar to Stein as a phenomenologist who consciously decides to live in the Roman Catholic Church (developing an explicitly Christian philosophy and bringing Husserl into conversation with Thomas Aquinas), Hering as a phenomenologist and Protestant theologian attempts to constructively relate the two disciplines to one another. Against this background, the lecture first introduces the person and work of Jean Hering, outlines his development between Husserl and Reinach, and places a special focus on Hering's work „Phänomenologie als Grundlage der Metaphysik?“ (Phenomenology as the basis of metaphysics?), written in 1917, the year of Reinach's death. He sheds light on Hering's personal contacts with Stein from her student days in Göttingen, their shared appreciation of Reinach and explains her commitment to the cohesion of the early phenomenological movement, especially in relation to Heidegger. Finally, it deals with Hering's concept of the "Wesenskerns" and its further development by Stein, as well as the phenomenological character of Hering's exegesis. In this context, the lecture deals with the question of the extent to which Hering not only acts as a bridge-builder in his personal work, but also makes an important contribution to the reception of Husserl's and Reinach's phenomenology in France in his theological work.
Joachim Feldes was born in Speyer in 1965 and grew up in nearby Schifferstadt, where Edith Stein's last sign of life comes from. After his ordination to the priesthood in 1994, he was chaplain in Bad Bergzabern for three years. During this time, he began to research Stein's life and work and continued this work after moving to the Anglican Church in 2009. In 2013, Feldes completed his doctorate under Hans Rainer Sepp in Prague on the Bergzabern Circle in the context of early phenomenology and began teaching in the fields of philosophy of religion, homiletics and Anglican theology in 2016. He has been Secretary of the International Association for the Study of Edith Stein's Philosophy (IASPES) since 2019 and Dean of Studies at the Lancelot Andrewes Institute in Nuremberg since 2022. He is married, pastors the Anglican parish in Rhine-Neckar and works as an English teacher.
The lecture will take place on March 21 at 7 pm. The event will be held via the Zoom platform. After registering, you will receive a link to the event, which is valid for all sessions of the event. To register for the event, please use our registration form: If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Monika Adamczyk-Enriquez at the e-mail address:
Quelle: Edith-Stein-Archiv zu Köln
February 21, 2024
„Wege der Gotteserkenntnis
im Leben und Denken
von Simone Weil und Edith Stein“
(online event)
If you take a closer look at the writings of the French philosopher Simone Weil, you discover that she intuitively used the phenomenological method in her thinking and life - the tireless "search" for truth. Her entire approach to life was phenomenological. Her original way of describing the phenomenological method provides a new perspective on phenomenology. Her description reveals a mystical depth that seems to be hidden in the core of phenomenology.
Particularly with regard to Edith Stein's search for truth and her understanding of the phenomenological method, the analysis of Simone Weil's works is highly interesting from a philosophical point of view. For in Edith Stein's thinking, too, a depth seems to emerge within phenomenology that is reminiscent of the thinking of great mystics.
The aim of this lecture is to use the thought and life of both outstanding 20th century philosophers to show the differences and yet profound similarities in the ways of recognising God. Both Simone Weil and Edith Stein show, not only in their thinking but also in their lives, that phenomenology is more than "just" a philosophical method.
Karolina Fiutak (born 1991 in Hamburg) is currently a doctoral student at the Pontifical John Paul II University in Krakow. She will soon be defending her doctoral thesis in philosophy on the topic „Diagnose der aktuellen Krise der Kultur und Wege zu ihrer Überwindung im Denken von Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz“ (Diagnosis of the current crisis of culture and ways to overcome it in the thinking of Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz). She wrote her Master's thesis (Krakow 2018) on „Wege der Gotteserkenntnis im Denken von Simone Weil und Edith Stein“ (Ways of recognising God in the thinking of Simone Weil and Edith Stein). Her main areas of interest are: Phenomenology, philosophy of religion, philosophical anthropology, transhumanism and the thought of Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz and Edmund Husserl.
The lecture will take place on 21 February at 7 pm. The event will be held via the Zoom platform. After registering, you will receive a link to the event, which will be valid for all sessions of the event. To register for the event, please use our registration form:
If you have any questions, please contact Dr Monika Adamczyk-Enriquez at the following e-mail address: