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Our Projects


Project: "Preservation and Digitization

of the Edith Stein Photo Archive:

A Contribution to Safeguarding Cultural Heritage"


The Edith Stein Archive in Cologne preserves a valuable collection of manuscripts and documents that chronicle the life and work of Edith Stein. Particularly noteworthy is the extensive photographic material, which provides a unique insight into her biography, her family, her contemporaries, and significant events in her life. These photographs are not only of inestimable historical value but also of considerable importance to contemporary research.

Despite the successful cataloguing of the manuscripts, the photographic material remains insufficiently organized, digitized, and protected. The current situation hinders access and poses the risk of losing this valuable material to age-related deterioration. For this reason, a project was initiated to digitize and archive the photographic collection. The goal of this project is to preserve, digitize, and make Edith Stein's photographic legacy accessible to future generations.


Project Goals

The primary objective of this project is the complete digitization, systematic organization, and long-term preservation of the photographic collection at the Edith Stein Archive. These measures will ensure that the photographs are not only protected from physical damage but also accessible for research and the general public.


Detailed Goals

  • Digitization and Protection: the photographs will be digitized in high resolution to protect the originals from deterioration caused by light, humidity, and temperature fluctuations.

  • Systematic Organization: a detailed nomenclature and the development of a user-friendly database will ensure long-term management and easy accessibility.

  • Promotion of Research: by providing the digitized material with complete metadata, research on Edith Stein and her contemporaries will be greatly facilitated.

  • Accessibility and Dissemination: the photographic material will be made publicly accessible through a well-structured database, enabling institutions, media, and the general public to explore the collection.

To ensure the success of this project, we are collaborating with Lucrezia Zanardi, an experienced photographer specializing in archiving and photography. She has worked in the photo archive of a renowned Italian photographer and is an expert in organizing and digitizing photographic materials. Ms. Zanardi will lead the project, ensuring that the photographs are digitized, cataloged, and integrated into a database according to the highest archival standards.


Funding and Support

The implementation of this project is only possible with financial support. We rely on donations and grants to provide the technical and personnel resources necessary for the digitization, archiving, and organization of this valuable photographic material. Every contribution helps us preserve the cultural heritage of Edith Stein and make it accessible for research and the general public.

Donation Account

IBAN: DE57 3702 0500 0001 0695 01


Reference: Photo Project

Your support is crucial in securing Edith Stein's legacy for future generations. Thank you for your help!


Edith Stein Archive Cologne:

Guest Editor of the Special Issue of Steiniana on Current Research Trends on Edith Stein



On May 15, we were thrilled to launch a new and exciting project at the Edith Stein Archive. Building on the success of the doctoral colloquium "Edith Stein – Life and Work" held from 2020 to 2022, we are taking another significant step to promote and support scholarly engagement with Edith Stein’s life and work.

In collaboration with Edith Stein UC (Chile), we will publish a special issue of the interdisciplinary journal STEINIANA: Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinarios, set to be released in August 2025. The Edith Stein Archive will act as guest editor for this special issue, with Dr. Monika Adamczyk-Enriquez leading the publication on our behalf.


Why We Are Launching This Project

Research on Edith Stein has gained considerable importance in recent years, and we aim to contribute to advancing the broad and diverse scholarship on her life and work. With this volume, we seek to make the many facets of her life, philosophy, theology, as well as her pedagogical and psychological contributions accessible to an international audience. Edith Stein’s interdisciplinary significance is not only relevant to the past but is also critically important in the context of contemporary social, ethical, and political debates.


What to Expect in the Special Issue

The special issue will feature a wide range of scholarly articles from various disciplines, including philosophy, theology, psychology, pedagogy, and sociology. The volume will be published not only in German and English but also in Spanish and French, highlighting the international focus of the project. This broad linguistic diversity and the interdisciplinary topics aim to ensure that the volume achieves far-reaching scientific and societal relevance.

A particular highlight is that we will explore not only the classical areas of Edith Stein research but also contemporary approaches and perspectives on her theories and their application to modern ethical and political questions. In doing so, we hope to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and encourage dynamic engagement with Edith Stein’s work. Contributions in four different languages will ensure a comprehensive international and intercultural perspective.


The Aim of the Project

Through the publication of this volume, we aim to further advance Edith Stein research on an international level. Our goal is not only to provide a platform for the scholarly communities in Europe and North America but also to amplify the voices of those in Latin America. Edith Stein’s work holds universal significance, and with this issue, we aspire to promote intercultural and interdisciplinary engagement with her thought.

We seek to make Edith Stein’s ideas fruitful for today’s world and to highlight their relevance to contemporary philosophical, theological, and societal discussions. This volume will not only enrich academic research but also contribute to the global dissemination and appreciation of her legacy.

We eagerly look forward to the publication of this volume in August 2025 and are confident that this project will make an important contribution to the remembrance and further development of Edith Stein’s legacy.


Edith Stein Archive Cologne:

Guest Editor of the Special Issue of Steiniana on Research about Edith Stein in the Spanish-Speaking World


The Edith Stein Archive in Cologne is delighted to announce a special publication: a special issue of the renowned academic journal STEINIANA: Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinarios. This issue is dedicated to our Spanish-language lecture series El mundo del pensamiento de Edith Stein, held during the summer semesters of 2022 and 2023.


The Lecture Series: Building Bridges Between Continents and Cultures

The lecture series was organized online and brought together leading specialists from Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, and other Spanish-speaking countries. It highlighted various aspects of Edith Stein’s thought, including philosophy, theology, and pedagogy. The goal was to promote Spanish-language research on Edith Stein and make it accessible to a broad international audience.

The response to the series was remarkable. Numerous participants, including scholars and enthusiasts, took the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue and discuss the relevance of Edith Stein’s work to contemporary issues.


The Special Issue: A Showcase of Spanish-Language Research Excellence

To preserve the outstanding outcomes of this lecture series and make them accessible to an even wider audience, we decided to compile the content into a special issue of STEINIANA. This edition will feature academic articles and essays derived from the lectures, authored by leading experts in the field. The contributions will cover a wide range of topics and reflect the diversity of Spanish-language research on Edith Stein.


Guest Editorial Team: Edith Stein Archive Cologne

The special issue will be guest-edited by the Edith Stein Archive in Cologne, under the leadership of Dr. Monika Adamczyk-Enriquez. This publication not only honors the lecture series but also represents a significant contribution to advancing Spanish-language research on Edith Stein.


Publication and Outlook

The special issue is scheduled for release in August 2024 and will be available exclusively in digital format. We are confident that it will make a valuable contribution to international Edith Stein research and open new perspectives for future studies.

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